Tuesday, May 26, 2015

MechWarrior Online: Gimpy Talks About Clan Mechs, Game Modes, and Missile Mechs

A new player was watching my Twitch stream the other night and he had a few questions about MechWarrior Online. So, since my dinner was waiting for me, I spent the next 30 or so minutes answering his questions. The video recording is below. :)

Smurfy link: http://mwo.smurfy-net.de/mechlab

Friday, May 8, 2015

MechWarrior Online: New Mech Lab on Test Server

The next version of the MechWarrior Online Mech Lab is now up on the Public Test Server. I spent about 90 minutes trying it out and experiencing the bugs. It is obviously not ready to be released to the "live" server, but it is still a good improvement over the current Mech Lab and I like it.

Take a look at the recording I made last night, May 7, 2015.


The first 30 minutes is a walk around the Mech Lab. The remaining hour is spent finding and playing with the bugs to be forwarded to PGI.

I'm not putting the video up on Youtube, because this is an evaluation of a feature still in development and testing.